My Grief Care

Why Don’t My Friends or Family Understand My Grief?

Often friends and family don’t seem to understand how to be with and support us when we are grieving. 

Many people just are not going to understand what you are going through. They don’t know how to speak with grieving ...

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? We’ve lived in California most of our lives and have had the unsettling experience of realizing the earth isn’t always as stable as we think it should be.

In your current state of grief, ...

Whether your loss was recent or it has been some time, you probably have already figured out that society doesn’t understand much about grief, nor does it equip us to know what to do after a devastating loss.  We live ...

The brain fog of grief is a natural part of grieving.  Your mind is preoccupied with sadness, loneliness and other emotions which leaves little room for your cognitive functions, memory and concentration.  This is normal and common, even though it ...

We hope you might be some inspiration, validation or encouragement from these. “You can’t truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel the loss.” Mandy Hale “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes ...
A beautiful vase is broken into hundreds of little pieces. Everything is shattered. How does one even know where to begin putting it back together? If someone had never seen the vase before, they wouldn’t know what it should look ...