- Introduction
- Understanding Grief
- People Grieve Differently
- The Brain Fog of Grief
- The Vocabulary of Grief
- Grievers Don’t Need to be Fixed
- Misconceptions About Grief
- There Are No Orderly and Predictable Stages In Grief
- When Caring People Say Dumb Things When You’re Grieving
- What to Say to Others When You’re Grieving
- The Impact of Who you Lost and How you Lost Them
- Heavy Grief Days
- The Grief Letter
- Ways to Remember Them
- Permissions for Grievers
- Creating Bright Spots in the Midst of Grief
- Why Are Many Grievers Not Comfortable Crying In Front of Others?
- Why Grievers Don’t Need to Be Strong
- Do I Just Need Time to Heal From Grief?
- Why Do Grieving People Get the Message They Shouldn’t Be Sad?
- Is Staying Busy Good for Grief?
- The Isolation of Grief
- Can You Fill the Void Left by the Death of Loved One?
- How Long Does the Pain of Grief Last?
- How Do You Get Over Grief?
- I Don’t Want to Forget My Loved One Who Died
- Relationships Change After Loss
- Why Don’t Friends and Family Understand Your Grief?
- How to Tell Others What You Need in Your Grief
- Grief Can Cause You to Re-evaluate Relationships
- I Lost My Spouse and My Friends
- All the Phases in the Grief Journey
- I’m Grieving and Just Barely Surviving
- Why Do I Feel Like I Am Just Existing in My Grief?
- When Will I Be Ready for Grief Counseling?
- Can You Heal Your Grief?
- Living Again After Losing a Loved One
- How Grief Affects Mental Health
- Grief & Depression
- How Trauma Affects Your Grief
- Co-Dependency and Grief
- Should I take medication for my grief?
- The Uniqueness of Grieving A Suicide
- Suicide Shock: I Can’t Believe They Did It
- Feeling Blame and Shame After a Suicide
- The Abandonment of Suicide
- The Stigma of Suicide
- Interview with widow who lost two husbands by suicide
- Losing Your Husband to Suicide
- What To Do With Your Loved One’s Belongings After They Die
- No Cost Financial Coaching & Planning for Widows: Chris Bentley
- Hope When Shattered By Grief
- Answers to Your Questions About Grief
- Introduction
- Is Being Angry at God a Sin After My Loved One Died?
- Where Did My Peace, Joy and Gratitude Go after I lost my loved one?
- Can Grief and Hope Co-Exist?
- Why Does God Heal Some People But Not Others?
- Is Suicide an Unforgivable Sin?
- Why Do I Dislike Platitudes and Bible Verses?
- Why Did God Let My Loved One Die?
- Surviving The Holidays
- I Lost Myself When My Husband Died
- When Widowed Pain Feels Like Homesickness
- No Cost Financial Coaching & Planning For Widows: Chris Bentley
- The Best Grief Retreat for Widows
- I Lost My Husband By Suicide. Now What?
- An Interview With A Woman Who Lost Two Husbands By Suicide
- I Lost My Spouse and My Friends
- A Widow’s Guide to the Stages of Grief
- 7 year anniversary of the sudden death of my husband
- The Trauma and Grief of Widows Who Were Caregivers
- The Captive Widow: Navigating Obstacles to Widow Healing
- Understanding the Widow’s Brain
Questions Grieving Christians Ask
8 Episodes
All Series
Foundations Of Grief
14 Episodes -
Misconceptions About Grief
12 Episodes -
Relationships After Loss
5 Episodes -
Widow Grief
12 Episodes -
The Grief Journey
6 Episodes -
Grief & Mental Health
5 Episodes -
Grieving A Suicide
6 Episodes -
Conversations On Grief
4 Episodes -
Questions Grieving Christians Ask
8 Episodes -
Coping With The Holidays and Other Tough Special Days
1 Episodes
Questions Grieving Christians Ask
8 Episodes
Episodes in This Series
Is Being Angry at God a Sin After My Loved One Died?
Where Did My Peace, Joy and Gratitude Go after I lost my loved one?
Can Grief and Hope Co-Exist?
Why Does God Heal Some People But Not Others?
Is Suicide an Unforgivable Sin?
Why Do I Dislike Platitudes and Bible Verses?
Why Did God Let My Loved One Die?
Episode 5 : Why Does God Heal Some People But Not Others?
Episode NotesWhy Does God Heal Some People But Not Others?
I’ve mentioned before that God chose to heal my brother miraculously, but he did not heal my wife, DeeAnn, despite uncounted prayers and all the earthly medical science available. Why would God heal one of my loved ones and not the other? I have no explanation to share with you. I was euphoric that my brother was healed and crushed that DeeAnn wasn’t.
As humans, we ponder mysteries using our limited human intellect and personal sense of what is right and fair. But, is our understanding of right and fairness the same as God’s? It turns out that we aren’t on the same playing field as God.
The prophet Isaiah makes that clear when he shares God’s declaration on the matter. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Well, that’s pretty clear. God does not think like us? We may think that God should answer every prayer about healing with healing and about protecting from mortal harm with absolute protection. Your heart yearns for this. But the Bible and our personal life experiences testify that he is selective in answering prayers.
Dear friend, I’m reminded that you and I are finite beings, and God is an infinite being. The Bible tells us that God is omniscient. That means his knowledge is unlimited. He knows everything that can be known. The Bible tells us, for example, that he knows what is in every person’s heart, he knows how many hairs are on your head, and when even a sparrow falls from the sky.
So, what are you to do with the pain you are feeling, partly due to wondering why your loved one wasn’t healed or protected from death? The best I can share with you are the following facts. We know that God hears our prayers. We know his answers come from love and not from evil or fear. We know his answers are also based on his unfathomable wisdom.
And, as Christians, we know that our future is to live with him forever after we die. If your loved one knows God, and is reconciled with him, you can also know that their spirit is safe and secure in his presence. In short, our faith and trust in God and our knowledge of God’s character and grace may not answer every question nor solve every mystery – but when it comes down to it, his love and grace are sufficient. Imagine life right now without those assurances.
Take a moment today to reflect on your relationship with God, recall when he has answered your prayers in ways that you didn’t expect, and consider how some things turned out when he didn’t seem to answer your prayer. That exercise may be illuminating for you.
Remember you can download and print out the Episode Notes including the key points and any scriptural references in this episode.